
Cheryl Winter Lewy’s most recent passion is fitness for everyone of all ages especially seniors.
For her personal fitness, Cheryl began doing Jacki Sorensen’s Aerobic Dance in 1978 when it first came to Larchmont, NY. She has been dancing ever since.
After 40 + years, the local franchise was in peril of closing leaving about 20 women, who had danced for a long time and wanted to continue dancing, stranded. In December, 2019, Cheryl stepped up and bought the Jacki Sorensen Fitness Classes franchise as CWL Aerobics LLC. In March, 2020, the program pivoted to zoom classes and resumed in-person classes in April, 2021.
CWL Studio currently offers both zoom and in-person classes at A Dance Studio, Larchmont, NY 10538. The instructors are Susan Lovequist and Tory Kane.
Cheryl learned about functional mobility from her person trainer, Mike Aidala. When she experienced gaining strength, flexibility, focus, and power, through her work with Mike, she brought that to her aerobics classes, and got a lot more out of Jacki’s program as well. Cheryl currently does aerobic dance, strength training, personal performance training with her coaches, competitive sailing racing, yoga and biking. Her goal is to stay fit enough to really engage with her grandchildren who are young and active. Cheryl has trained with master coaches and yoga teachers including Mike Aidala, Boulder, CO; Cecily Guest, San Francisco; Patrick Caudle, Pasadena; Ruth Gillespie, Mamaroneck, NY; Shelby Heintzelman, Seattle, WA.
In addition to fitness, Cheryl’s career has focused on public service. She served as the mayor of the Village of Larchmont, New York, for 10 years; and as Chair of the Westchester County Planning Board for 10 years.
Cheryl has been a proponent of Smart Growth, New Urbanism, high-quality design principles, inter- municipal cooperation, green technology, and environmentally sensitive practices. She completed her certification as a landscape designer at the New York Botanical Garden.
Cheryl has served in various leadership roles on the boards of non-profits including World Learning, The Experiment in International Living, Brooklyn Botanical Garden, Smith College Alumnae Association, and the Smithsonian National Board. Giving back and making the world a more civil, peaceful, just, safe and environmentally sound place has always been important to Cheryl – and now she has added helping people be healthier and fitter to live their best life.
Cheryl has degrees from Smith College; Columbia University and the New York Botanical Garden in Landscape Design. She lives in Larchmont, NY with her husband, Glen Lewy, a lawyer, banker and venture capitalist. She has had a professional career in elected office and government and continues to serve on philanthropic boards. When she isn’t dancing or sailing racing, she most enjoys spending time with her three children and eleven grandchildren.

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Larchmont Chamber Member